We will hold MSR School as the keynote of IWESEP2014 to provide participants with opportunities to learn the techniques used in the area of MSR (Mining Software Repositories). MSR is a rapidly growing field that holds an annual tutorial and a co-located working conference at ICSE every year. This year, we have invited Associate Professor Daniela Damian. Her group has been working with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to study socio-technical and organizational aspects in software development.

Dr. Daniela Damian
Daniela Damian is a Professor of Software Engineering in University of Victoria’s Department of Computer Science, where she leads research in the Software Engineering Global interAction Laboratory (SEGAL). Her research interests include Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Empirical Software Engineering. Her recent work has studied the developers’ socio-technical coordination in geographically distributed software projects, as well as stakeholder management in large software ecosystems. Daniela’s research methodologies involve extensive field work and in-situ studies of software teams through collaborations with industrial partners such as IBM, General Motors, Siemens and Dell. Daniela has served on the program committee boards of several software engineering conferences, was the program co-chair for the First International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE06), and a guest editor of the IEEE Software Special Issue on Global Software Engineering (2006). She is currently the Co-Chair for the Software Engineering in Society Track at ICSE 2015 and serving on the editorial boards of Transactions on Software Engineering, the Journal of Requirements Engineering, is the Requirements Engineering Area Editor for the Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, and the Human Aspects Area Editor for the Journal of Software and Systems.